Mom's The Word

The days from one awesome Mom from Lake Worth, Florida.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Took baby out this morning to run some errands. I wish I knew what a great ride the Toyota Camry was before
this. We took it on the highway and for a little car it sure has pep. This morning I loved driving it. It is
a dream to drive and get around town. I sure won't miss our Buick. It was way too big for me. Eric loves
it, so he can drive it all he wants. After being without a car for a few weeks, it sure feels good to have
my own wheels again.




At 1:39 PM, Blogger Brandi. said...

So, you named it Baby? That's a cute name for your new car.

I'm really happy you're getting out and around and like your car so much.

Drive safely!


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