Mom's The Word

The days from one awesome Mom from Lake Worth, Florida.

Sunday, February 25, 2007


The show was fantastic. We both enjoed it. The little bit you see of them on TV shows is nothing. We are both into 50's and 60's music, so this was really different for us. If we didn't have hearing problems
before going, we sure do now. The special effects and instruments they use are outrageous. They had this
guy Mike Relm as their openig act. He did a pretty cool show that we watched on screens while he scratched and played records. lol!!!! The show was sold out and there were people of ALL ages.

We took pictures with my cell phone camera and they did not come out, so I am unable to post. I wish I
knew picture taking was allowed, then we coud have taken our camera. Oh well.



Thursday, February 22, 2007

1 Day till Blue Man Group

I can't believe that tomorrow at this time we will be on our way to see Blue Man Group.
We have always wanted to see them, but they have not been to South Fla. that we know
of. We have great seats so we should not miss any of their stunts, just hope they miss us with the water or whatever else they use.

Will give a report on the show over the weekend.

To Matt and Bran, have a wonderful anniversary weekend. May you celebrate for many
years to come. We love you.



Friday, February 16, 2007

It's Cold Down Here

What happened to our nice warm tropical weather? It is only 50, but feels so much
colder. We went to dinner with friends and everyone had jackets on. You could see
the waiters bringing around soup instead of salad. Tonight it is supposed to go down to the high 30's. Everyone living north is probably saying what a bunch of babies. When your body isn't used to this cold, it comes as a big shock to the body. I sure hope
the heat works tonight.

I guess I am having second thoughts about relocating to Chicago. It has really been
nasty this winter up there. Hearing about pipes bursting from cold also make me have
second thoughts, even though my heart wants to be close to them. I hate just seeing
them once or twice a year. We'll see.

Stay warm all.



Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Blue Tooth or No Blue Tooth

I bought the Motorola 500 blue tooth on Saturday. Charged it up and used it on Sunday. Everyone said they heard only every
few words I said and that it sounded like I was in a cave the sound was so poor.

I was so upset and disgusted with it , that I was going to return it and forget the whole
idea of a blue tooth. I asked my sister which one she had. she also first purchased the 500 model and had the same experience. Her friends likewise had the same experiences. she suggested that I get the 700 model and will love it.
Well guess what, that is the one I got. The sound is great and you don't miss anything
someone says.

Just passing along a tip given to me.


Sunday, February 11, 2007


I have joined the new generation. Not only did I get a cell phone/camera but also got a blue tooth so I don't have to get my
cell phone all the time. I have wanted to get one for some time, but didn't really think I needed it, and guess what, I really
don't. I just wanted it. I am sure I will enjoy it.

In about 2 weeks and some days Bran and Matt will be married 3 years. It seems like yesterday we were going crazy with all
the arrangements. It was harder to plan since the bride lived so far away. It was well worth all the hastles as the bride looked
like a princess and the reception was wonderful. Most importantly Bran and Matt are very much in love. More about them on
another post.

got to go and set up my blu tooth so I can use it today.


Thursday, February 08, 2007

Home Ownership

I feel soo bad for Bran and Matt. They are living in there new home just about a month, and already have big problems.

They had big problems with frozen pipes that burst due to a stupid owner downstairs from them. It seems they shut their water
and heat and caused all hell to beak loose. The basement where all the storage rooms are got severly flooded, especially
Bran and Matt's storage area. Needless to say they are very upset because things got water logged and ruined, but thank heaven their apt. is safe and sound. I wish I was there for them. even though This severe weather is giving me second thoughts about
relocating to the windy city.

I am just thankful they are both ok. A little frazzled to say the least though.

