Well, after a little over a year Eric has finished his book and has come out of retirement. He has just taken a position as an
instructor of A/C, Refrigeration and Major Appliances. He taught Adult Ed to people that wanted to learn to fix there own
appliances, but this is a Technical School for people interested in becoming technicians.
He loves the job,but the hours stink. He works 4 days but 12 hours a day. He teaches a morning class and an evening class.
The problem is that the school is about an hour away and it doesn't pay for him to travelback and forth. We will have to look
for a house further south so he won't have that large of a span inbetwen classes. He takes lunch and dinner with him and has
eniough work to keep him busy. Most of the instructors go home for a few hours. The poor thing leaves a little after 6am and
doesn't get home till after 12am. That is too long of a day without coming home and relaxing a bit. As long as he likes what
he is doing. The plus side is that he has 3 day weekends. He loves that idea.
will keep everyone updated.