Mom's The Word

The days from one awesome Mom from Lake Worth, Florida.

Saturday, April 21, 2007


I have to say although we didn't see much of Bran and Matt. it was a quality visit. I think how y ou spend your time with people
is more important than how much time.

Bran and Matt did Disney World and a trip to St. Augustine. St.Augustine is the oldest city in Florida and is absolutely gorgous.
They both work soo hard and have such hectic lives, I think this vacation was wonderful for them.

I thank g-d that they arrived home safely. I miss them already.


Sunday, April 15, 2007


Bran and Matt arrived safe and sound last night. We are so happy tp have them here. Last night we went for Mexican food after we picked them up. It was a place that Bran used to love.

Today the weather was not the greatest. We hung out a bit then went for an early dinner to one of their
favorite places, Sonny's BBQ. After some card playing, Bran had to do some work. Yuk!! work while on vacation.

I hope the weather improves for their trip to Disney World. It has been raining and windy all day. Where
they go from Disney is still undecided. I'm sure they'll have a blast whatever they decide to do. Have a safe


Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Bran and Matt will be down here Saurday. I can hardly wait. they will be visiting us and going to Disney.
They were thinking of also going to see Daytona Beach. They never drove right onto the beach. It is soo
cool. I have a friend who lived there and we took her convertible and drove on the beach. OMG, it was great. It won't be a long visit, but a quality one. I miss them so much, that I take whatever time I can get
with them.

Eric continues to love his teaching job. He doesn't seem to mind the long days. It is going to take me a
little time to get used to the hours. As long as he is happy at what he is doing.



Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Well, after a little over a year Eric has finished his book and has come out of retirement. He has just taken a position as an
instructor of A/C, Refrigeration and Major Appliances. He taught Adult Ed to people that wanted to learn to fix there own
appliances, but this is a Technical School for people interested in becoming technicians.

He loves the job,but the hours stink. He works 4 days but 12 hours a day. He teaches a morning class and an evening class.
The problem is that the school is about an hour away and it doesn't pay for him to travelback and forth. We will have to look
for a house further south so he won't have that large of a span inbetwen classes. He takes lunch and dinner with him and has
eniough work to keep him busy. Most of the instructors go home for a few hours. The poor thing leaves a little after 6am and
doesn't get home till after 12am. That is too long of a day without coming home and relaxing a bit. As long as he likes what
he is doing. The plus side is that he has 3 day weekends. He loves that idea.

will keep everyone updated.
